Thursday, July 30, 2009

Search Pays Off

A search that began simply to identify the name of the person who had donated an 1862 wagon train diary turned up more than the name of the donor. We were able to identify the diarist through a little bit of sleuthing, and a lot of luck. To read more about this search, you should get hold of a copy of the upcoming issue of Heritage Highlights, the Madison County Historical Society's semi-annual publication. You can do this by joining the Society at
or by contacting them at

In this issue you find an article entitled "On the Trail of Mrs. Murison Dunn's Grandfather's Brother-in-Law." You can see by the title that the idea that we might track down the name of the diarist was highly improbable. We thought it was a fascinating story of how the diary came to the EKU Archives as well as the use of what are often thought of as genealogical resources to plug historical gaps.

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